Minimized programs not showing on taskbar windows 10
Minimized programs not showing on taskbar windows 10

minimized programs not showing on taskbar windows 10 minimized programs not showing on taskbar windows 10

Googled various combinations of "taskbar" "window" "minimize" "focus" and some other keywords.

minimized programs not showing on taskbar windows 10

"System settings" -> "Multitasking" -> Looked through options for window behaviour found nothing relevant. Found no option that would remedy the situation. Right clicked taskbar -> check "Personalization" -> "Taskbar". What I want is for the window to minimize, as it did before the update. I now click the icon for the same window, still in focus. It restores itself to its previous size/position and takes focus, as expected and as wanted. I click on the icon for a minimized window. Let's say I have a number of applications running, with icons in the taskbar. I've reversed some of the changes but one persists and I can't seem to find where to fix it. After applying the anniversary update, Windows 10 decided it was okay to change various settings for me.

Minimized programs not showing on taskbar windows 10